MiX Signer (APK Signer for MiXplorer, Download it from Play Store)Ĩ). MiXplorer (For signing APK file, Download it from UpToDown Website)ħ). TermuX should be allowed to use External Storage (For this only enter this command at once: "termux-setup-storage")Ħ). Installed Metasploit Framework in TermuX ( My Tutorial Here)ĥ). TermuX Android App (Download it from Play Storeģ). Only Use this information for testing purposes or impressing your friends.Ģ). Try not to HACK the Androids, other than your`s. I will not be Responsible of Any Negative and Illegal use of this information.

Don`t Miss: HACK Android Device by Using TermuX on Android | Part #1 - Over the Internet.But we are going to do HACKING over WLAN Network. Wanna do some WATCH_DOGS style H4cK1nG.!!! (Over your WLAN Hotspot), then you are at right place!, but this time, we are not HACKING over the World Wide Internet.