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The more Abbas tries to manage his dual life without letting Prithviraj know, the more he has to lie to cover up other lies this forms the crux of the story. Things become worse for Abbas and Ravi when Prithviraj kindly hires Abbas for teaching Kathak to his sister Radhika (Prachi Desai). Abbas and the others convince Prithviraj that the one celebrating Eid was actually 'Abbas', an effeminate man and classical Kathak dancer. Prithviraj hires Abhishek Bachchan (Abbas) and is happy with his work, but Ravi and his friends have to come up with a new plan when Prithviraj spots Abbas celebrating Eid as a Muslim. When Prithviraj arrives at the scene, Ravi says Abbas's name as Abhishek Bachchan to avoid religious controversies of a temple being broken open by a Muslim. Âœ” Bol Bachchan FULL MOVIE 2012 Online Stream HD Free Streaming No Download When a child falls into the well of the temple and Abbas breaks the temple's lock to save the child. Movie Genre : Action, Comedy Movie Actor : Ajay Devgn, Asin, Abhishek Bachchan, Prachi Desai Watch Bol Bachchan-2012 Full Movie Watch Bol Bachchan-2012 Full Movie Watch Bol Bachchan-2012 Full Movie Watch Bol Bachchan-2012 Full Movie Watch Bol Bachchan-2012 Full Movie `Bol Bachchan FUllMOVie #BolBachchan #FUllMOVie

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